Tell Me More And Then Some

Our documentary about jazz in Baltimore with director Jon Henry is available for viewing on YouTube in episode format. 

The Tell Me More and Then Some documentary project has been going on for many years. We are happy to announce that we have 5 episodes of spectacular history now available! The episodes feature Baltimore's best jazz musicians and historians telling the story of Pennsylvania Avenue and the African American jazz history of Baltimore City.

The Tell Me More and Then Some project was produced by Paratime Pictures, Jazzway 6004, and Nanny Jack & Co. It was originally intended to be a feature length film. Despite raising the money to interview countless musicians, digitize long-lost archival film reels, discover historical photographs, and produce the film with a skeleton crew, we struggled to raise enough money to release the movie through the film festival circuit. 

Regardless that we couldn't release it in the theater, we did raise enough to produce it. The film features archival photos and moving image from the  U.S. Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Maryland Historical Society, the New York Public Library and more. The five episodes feature photos and moving image from regional archives like Nanny Jack & Co. and the Mid-Atlantic Moving Image Archive. The episodes also feature interviews with musicians like Gary Bartz, Cyrus Chestnut, Dennis Chambers, Dontae Winslow and more.

The goal of the Tell Me More and Then Some project was to help preserve the history and legacy of African American jazz music and culture in Baltimore City. We decided to break up the film into episodes and release them on YouTube for educational purposes. Please feel free to share this work, as we feel that it could be used to help arm people with the knowledge to preserve history, know their community and give back and create.

You can see all available episodes HERE

All of the people who contributed to fundraising for this project are thanked and acknowledged in the closing credits of the film. THANK YOU!