Be a Jazzway 6004 HERO! Please donate to Jazzway 6004

We are thrilled about this years' concert series and work diligently to bring the best in live jazz performance to our home concert theater in Baltimore.   This year Jazzway 6004 is seeking your generous support to continue hosting these rare, intimate experiences with top names in Jazz music. Ticket sales only make up 30% the cost of these productions. 

First a question.... when is the last time you had dinner and desert with a Grammy nominee or Grammy winner?

If this thought excites you, read about our donor packages and consider getting on board!   DONATE NOW!

Donor Tiers and Benefits:

$5000 + Platinum donor

  • Pre-purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public
  • Two tickets to every concert in the series
  • Two free drinks at every concert
  • Dinner with the band for up to all concerts in the series
  • Up to six tickets to Donor party with dinner, wine, desserts and live music
  • Steaming links to all Jazzway 6004 concerts in the season
  • Listed on the website as a top tier Platinum donor.

$3,000+ Gold donor

  • Pre-purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public.
  • Two tickets to the Holiday Show or the Anniversary show
  • Dinner with the band for two shows
  • Up to four tickets to Donor party with dinner, wine, desserts and live music
  • Two free drinks at every concert
  • Steaming links to all Jazzway 6004 concerts in the season
  • Listed on the website as a Gold donor.

$1,000+ - Silver donor

  • Pre-purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public.
  • Two tickets to Holiday or Anniversary concert (total two)
  • Two tickets to Donor party with dinner, wine, desserts and live music
  • Steaming links to all Jazzway 6004 concerts in the season
  • Listed on the website as a Silver donor.

$500+ Bronze donor

  • Pre-purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public.
  • One ticket to the Anniversary or Holiday concert (total one)
  • 15% Discount on tickets
  • Two tickets to Donor party with dinner, desserts and live music
  • Steaming links to all Jazzway 6004 concerts in the season
  • Listed on the website as a Bronze donor.

$350+ Friend of Jazzway - Full Member

  • Pre-purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public
  • 15% Discount on tickets
  • Two tickets to donor party
  • Streaming links to three Jazzway 6004 concerts in the season
  • Listed on the website as a Friend of Jazzway 6004

100+ Friend of Jazzway 6004 donor

  • Pre-purchase tickets for the holiday show before they go on sale to the public.
  • Listed on the website as a Friend of Jazzway 6004 donor.
  • Steaming link to three Jazzway 6004 concerts

Any donation - Jazzway 6004 supporter 

  • Steaming link to one Jazzway 6004 concert of your choice.                                                                           


See our Jazzway 6004 Donors for 2024 

We are also looking for sponsorship from local (and national) businesses who will receive very effective and targeted digital advertising in return.  Let’s demonstrate what an amazing art, music and cultural powerhouse Baltimore truly is.  


Hear it from the musicians themselves! 

Jazzway wants to continue to be the unique venue where every ticket is a backstage pass!



Send us a message or give us a call:  

Marianne Matheny-Katz or Howard Katz about donor packages. 

Andrea Wheeler to discuss sponsorships at Jazzway 6004. 

Phone#: 410-952-4528

Thanks! We are grateful to all of you! 

Howard & Marianne