
  • Because we are in a residential neighborhood, we present only 6-8 concerts each year.  So there are few slots and many requests to perform. We are dedicated to the artists and the music and that is the only reason we present concerts.  We do an enormous amount of work to prepare for these concerts, so we expect some commitment and a professional attitude from the artists.

  • We are a not-for-profit and all monies minus costs go directly to the performing artist.  However, we can't guarantee a minimum payment or pay for transportation costs.  All revenue comes from ticket receipts so the amount made by the artist will depend on the number of patrons brought in.  You must responsibly assess your ability to market yourself.
  • ALL bookings have been turned over to a selection committee and selections are ongoing throughout the year. We have too many requests to respond to them on an individual basis, so please don't be offended if we can't answer your e-mails and requests personally. If you send multiple e-mails requesting an update on the selection process or hostile e-mails, we can guarantee you won't get an answer.
  • We accept artist submittals throughout the year, and select artists on a month to month basis.  Selections depend on several factors: the quality of the music; the uniqueness or innovativeness of the artist; the popularity or following of the artist (i.e. can they bring in an audience) and sometimes the meaningfulness of their regional sound or local performing history. We think that jazz is not just about the past and its foundation, but about where jazz is headed in the future and how relevant and connected it is to audiences in the present.  We also try to present several artists every year that represent a wider view of the genre – be it fusion with Latin, pop, blues, or world music. 
  • If you are a local musician, please consider supporting the venue and other artists– at least occasionally.  You may even offer to volunteer, or you can contact us at the phone number on the website or e-mail us at mmkatz@jazzway6004.org, and we will give musicians a special rate to attend.  When we have a number of artists vying for slots, with equal skills that we are enthusiastic about presenting, we will select the best of the best and the artists who support the venue and the musical community.  The panel is more apt to take a performer seriously when they are willing to support the venue and other artists.

  • We would love to book more out-of-town artists, but we have found in 6 years of presenting concerts, that unless an out-of-town artist has a large following and an aggressive publicity plan (that means actively and effectively contacting press and radio to execute articles and interviews in local media as well as a very active social media campaign), there is a high probability that these concerts will be undersold because the artist is largely unknown in our area (of course there are exceptions). We don’t like to undersell concerts because we don’t want artists coming from a long distance, only to be disappointed with their revenue

  • Our long term goal is to present about 6 concerts a year at Jazzway 6004 and branch out to several other larger capacity venues to present more frequent concerts with larger bands and more touring acts.  These acts would require at least 150 seats and ideally we are looking for venues to work with us that can seat between 200-250 patrons.  We have a very successful brand and excellent marketing skills with a dedicated following and extensive mailing list.  People know that we maintain high standards, which is why our concerts are so popular.  If you represent a venue that is interested in working with us, please e-mail us at m2katz@comcast.net

If you are interested in performing, please send your electronic press kit to mmkatz@jazzway6004.org OR you can mail your press package and demo CD to the address below and all materials will be given to our selection panel. Please include Saturday dates that you would be available after August 2013. The venue address and mailing address is:

JAZZWAY 6004 - 6004 Hollins Avenue - Baltimore, MD 21210

Thanks for visiting and for your support!!